The Sacred Fire Community is made up of thousands of individuals across the world.
Many of them are also part of local communities in their regions called “hamlets.” The Sacred Fire Community has many leaders. Our Firekeepers are the local leaders of their hamlet communities, and many of those hamlets have other leadership within them. But the international community often works together to get things done — like offering events, Lifeways programs, Firekeeper trainings — and to learn together what deep community is all about on a global level.
Our Executive Committee is charged with the leadership and guidance for the movements and identity of our international community.
Meet the Sacred Fire Community Organization Executive Committee READ MORE.

(Photo: Brian Spielmann)
Tepoztlan, Morelos, Mexico
February 8-10, 2013.
In standing for the sacred and interconnected nature of all life, the Sacred Fire Community (SFC) recognizes the enduring value of the many great spiritual traditions that have existed to help us maintain the wisdom of our hearts. For it is through our hearts that we feel our connection to each other and the world around us.
From our community fires to our Lifeways offerings and events, all SFC offerings are meant to be welcoming to people of any spiritual tradition, or even those who do not identify with a tradition. At this early stage of our development, one of the ancestral traditions represented in the Sacred Fire Community is that of the Huichol people of the western Sierra Nevada mountains of Mexico.
A tuki is a ceremonial house used for important ritual in the Huichol tradition and it is recognized as a living being that needs to be “fed” with an annual celebration or “fiesta.” Whatever your spiritual affiliation, you are invited to join us in this honoring. The tuki in Tepoztlan is critical to the blessings that the marakate (healers and ritual leaders in the Huichol tradition) bring to the Sacred Fire Community at large. These blessing include not only individual healing and ritual support, but the guidance and wisdom that marakate bring through their support of the Sacred Fire Community organization. READ MORE.
The Tuki Fiesta is a powerful experience of authentic tradition—a truly transformative event. To find out more about it or to register, visit
Fare-well, Paige . . .
Dear community,
I wanted to share with you that I am leaving my position as Events Coordinator to step into a leadership position with another one of my heart paths. READ MORE.
Welcome, Melody Pettus
Melody Pettus of Conyers, Georgia and the Carrollton Fire Community has offered to be the Media Archivist for the Sacred Fire Community. READ MORE.
Welome, Amy Beauregard
Amy Beauregard of Las Vegas, Nevada has volunteered to be the Photo Archivist and Timeline Developer for the Sacred Fire Community. READ MORE.
Interested in volunteering to spread the Fire? Contact SkyFox, our FireWork manager.
February 20-24, 2013
Loblolly Retreat House
Carrollton, GA
The divine feminine is the energy of creation. This energy exists innately in every woman. How can women incorporate this profound awareness into their lives as individuals/mothers/ partners and community members in today’s world? These times require it. Join the discourse in the upcoming Ukalai Women’s Retreat. Enhance your creative nature as a woman. Play your part in bringing balance in these transformative times.
A letter from a Sacred Fire Community leader in mid-December in response to the Connecticut tragedy.
Dear Community,
We are at the darkest time of the year, as the long nights look toward their transition to the returning of the sun.
We are in the Holiest time in the Season of the Cycle of Life. Fire is at the center, giving us light in the darkness and warmth in the coldness. Blessed be for the sun’s energy that is always being released into the trees which give their life for these Fires. READ MORE.
One Potluck at a Time
By Jennifer Cihlar – Grand Mesa/Grand Junction hamlets, Colorado.
Gathering the kids, loading the car, racing up the mountain from the late start we had, was feeling more like a burden and slightly a mistake. I was feeling I should have stayed home but that was my mind speaking, not my heart.
It was 30 minutes past the scheduled dinner time when we finally arrived. READ MORE.
A fresh outlook on modern culture
In these crucial times of change, Sacred Fire shows people what’s cooking. Warm, illuminating, provocative–with a force of heat and transformation–we shine a brilliant light on the joys and dangers of life. Find out more…
For those of you who are initiation age (16 to 25), it provides the opening of your inner spiritual life and the releasing of the potentials and possibilities each person is given at birth. The time is now open for girls and young women, ages 16-25, to make your application for your initiation process.
You are welcome to inquire about initiation by contacting Jessica de la O. We are happy to answer your questions and provide you with the guidelines needed to begin the initiatory process. READ MORE.
Dear friends,
As we navigate these dynamic and uncertain times we are in, it is ever more important to deepen our sense of connection to each other, our sense of community. One of the most effective ways to do that is coming together to honor and witness and support each other through the major transitions of life. This is the glue of community. Death is one of those transitions around which our culture has placed a great deal of fear and denial. My own love for exploring this mysterious transition was born out of my personal terror in the face of death.Death has been a profound teacher for me about what truly matters to me as I live my life – the relationships and values that make my life worth living. I hope you can join me for the Peaceful Dying Project – a simple forum where we can come together to share our feelings and experiences about this potent transition and engage with some of the practical decision around dying that will support us to be more present with life.
With love
By Skyfox, Firework Manager.
A wise shaman once shared: “When I was a boy I admired my grandfather. He was a powerful shaman.
One day when he felt I was old enough to understand, he told me, ‘José, there are two types of power that one can acquire.” READ MORE.
Community volunteers working (and playing) with volunteers from the Sacred Fire Foundation, one of our sister organizations.
(Photo: Brian Spielmann.)
Dates: 8-9:30 PM USA Eastern time on these Wednesdays: 1/9, 1/16, 1/30, and a Wednesday in February to be determined.
Feb 8-10, 2013
Tepotzlan, Morelos, Mexico
Feb 20-24, 2013
July 13-20, 2013
March 6-13, 2103
March 15-20, 2013
May 13-18, 2013
Plant Spirit Medicine Association Annual Conference
June 28-July 1, 2013
July 2-5, 2013
July 21-25, 2013