By Jackie Hawken (Bristol, England, UK) on her experience of Reunion in the Catskills of New York state.

Jackie Hawken (left) and Sherry Boatright, wearing their Welcoming hats!

Come to the fire, he said.

But she was afraid.

Come to the fire, he said.

So she flew and joined her tribe.

She did not feel worthy.

Her heart was closed.

She lived in fear and grief,

Carrying on her face the rictus of the Joker.

Joy long being absent,

The romance she believed in was nothing more than bait

So she came to the fire,

Discovering all this and more –

That her grief had come from anger and abandonment,

Slowly morphing into depression.

And the numbness was frozen fear.

Yes, she came to the fire,

Listening to his soft sweet words;

Telling her to trust her heart voice,

And surrender to her fear,

Connecting to herself.

He told her she would feel alive

By expressing her imbalance,

Accepting the slow speed of recovery from grief.

So she surrendered,

Surrendered to love.

Held in the blue waters of whispering mother


Drawing in her divine breath.

Returning to her homeland,

She knew she would be well.

Because she loves oak.

It is her favourite tree –

Grounding her:

Manifesting her slow strong growth towards healing


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