Category: March 1 2018 (es)

When the Earth Trembles and Burns

By Jeff Suwak, Sacred Fire Olympia

Erica Cohen was just wrapping up work in her garden when the earthquake started. She wasn’t concerned at first. Tremors are common in her Mexican town, and they generally pass with relatively little fanfare. The shaking didn’t stop this time, however. It got stronger. Something was different. She could sense it. That’s when things got scary.

As the earthquake intensified, Erica tried to get farther away from her house to make sure it didn’t fall on her, but the ground turned to jello beneath her feet. She could only struggle to stay standing as the world thrashed around her. Subsequent reports indicated the event lasted about 20 seconds. For Erica, it felt like a lifetime.

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Register Now for ‘Fire Speaks’ in Santa Monica and Mt Tamalpais

March brings two opportunities to hear the voice of Fire in California. Grandfather will share his timely wisdom in Santa Monica, March 17 and Mt. Tamalpais, March 24. Both of these audiences have limited seating, and we encourage you to register soon to reserve your seat.

Please register by March 13 for Santa Monica and by March 20 for Mt Tamalpais. These are rare and precious opportunities to connect with Fire and align with the living energies of the natural world. Spread the word to friends and family who live in the western United States and Canada.

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Save the Date: The Sacred Story of Corn

On August 25, 2018, the New Freedom, PA (USA) Sacred Fire community will host a Fire Speaks special event. Join us as we ask Grandfather Fire to tell the sacred story of Corn!

The original cultures of the Americas recognize a very special relationship between humans and Corn, which is identified with sustenance and prosperity. Hearing the sacred story of Corn will connect us more deeply with the life-giving energies around us.

Preregistration is required for this event. Stay tuned for more information.

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Register Now for Life Cycle Living in Santa Monica, Toronto and Perth

People local to Santa Monica, CA, USA (April 28-29), Toronto, ON, Canada (March 17-18) and Perth, WA, Australia (May 5-6) are signing up to awaken an awareness and start a community conversation around the value of a life lived in harmony with its cycles.

These weekends each have a maximum capacity of 20 people, so be sure to register early. The Life Cycle Living in Asheville, NC, USA (March 10-11) is now full. If you were interested in attending there, please put your name on the waiting list! If there’s enough interest, we plan to schedule another for those who missed out.

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Bienvenida al año del perro de la tierra

La Comunidad Internacional del Fuego Sagrado se complace en anunciar un Fuego Especial en honor del Año Nuevo Tibetano. Este evento tendrá lugar el 3 de Marzo del 2018 en Tepoztlán, México. Continúa leyendo para conocer más sobre la bendición que este evento anual, ahora por 16ava ocasión, representa para la comunidad local y global.

Desde el 2002, el Abuelo Fuego ha brindado anualmente una audiencia Especial al inicio del Año Nuevo tibetano, o poco después. En esta ocasión, el Año Nuevo Tibetano (y Año Nuevo Chino) comenzó el 16 de febrero y la audiencia tendrá lugar el 3 de marzo, lo cual permitirá que la gente se sumerja en las energías del año antes de escuchar hablar sobre él.

Esta tradición se inició debido a la conexión que muchos de los miembros de la comunidad del Fuego Sagrado de Tepoztlán mantienen con el linaje tibetano de Shambhala, que comparte una aspiración similar de traer a nuestro mundo una sanación social y un despertar del corazón. Al igual que el calendario chino, el calendario tibetano se mueve en ciclos o rabjams de 60 años, durante los cuales atraviesa por la combinación de 12 animales y cinco elementos. Esto esboza un ciclo de vida largo que afecta a nuestro mundo entero.

Si te sientes inspirado por el Año Nuevo del Perro de Tierra, ¡¡participa con nosotros en este extraordinario evento!! Haz click aquí para ver la información sobre el registro. Si no te es posible asistir, mantente pendiente de de la publicación que haremos en este blog más adelante sobre el Perro de Tierra.

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Sparks: Coming Soon

Around the Fire

Around the Fire is the newsletter of Sacred Fire and is published monthly.

If you’re new to Sacred Fire, here are three ways to learn more:

  1. Find a local Fire and experience it first hand.
  2. Visit our web site.
  3. Subscribe to Around the Fire and discover more about our deep community.
  4. Follow us on social media (see footer of page)

Around the Fire is published by the Sacred Fire Outreach team:

Sharon Brown

Strategic Direction
Karen Fernandez
Lawrence Messerman
Sharon Brown

Editorial Team
Erin Everett
Christine Staub
Linda Azar

Web Publishing
Sally Casper
Britt Espinosa

Graphic Design
Leticia Gamboa
Sylvia Law

Social Media
Erin Everett
Abigail Murray-Nikkel

Database Administrator
Linda Felch

Event Support
Heidi Griswold

Web Design and Development
Malowany Creative
Living Magic LLP

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