Event Type: LifeWays

Growing Leaders and Elders

There comes a stage in life when we get a glimpse of our own mortality and we begin to question our goals and accomplishments, as in, “If I were on my deathbed, would I be satisfied?” That time came for me around age 50. I was an MBA, making lots of money, being successful in the way our culture has defined it, and yet I felt something missing. There was a calling inside me, and that eventually led to my involvement with the emerging Sacred Fire community, in parallel with my own personal development toward becoming a healer and Nahua Weather Worker.

One of my responsibilities for Sacred Fire has been co-leading Young Men’s Initiation, which is part of our Sacred Fire LifeWays offerings. We follow the wisdom of our ancestors: Fire is central to these initiations, which also depend on the support of community and elders. Not only has it been a privilege to observe the dramatic and important transformation in boys moving to manhood, it has also allowed mature men to do good work together, to offer their service and sacrifice as part of a dedicated ritual support team. I have seen how this gifted each man with renewed energy and self-confidence.

It is part of a natural cycle of a human life, of a community, even of an organization: life experiences (some hard-won) and lessons well-learned naturally grow future leaders and elders. Now in my 70s, I do feel much more fulfilled in my life and look forward to taking my place as an elder, with wisdom to share. Sacred Fire and its important work in the world, is central to that.

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Human Lives are Meant To Be Intimately Woven Together

I read yesterday that the suicide rate among youth rose 56% between 2007-2017. Statistics like this appall and sadden me. They also inspire me around my work as Sacred Fire’s Director of LifeWays.

LifeWays is part of Sacred Fire’s critically important work in a world that feels increasingly unstable. These programs and initiations serve to re-introduce and reweave a social fabric that can hold tight in the uncertain future we are facing. This work is very close to my heart; I have found nothing more valuable to devote myself to.

Life Cycle Living, one of our key programs, is based on the wisdom of nature. When I walk into a forest I find a vast, organically intertwining whole. I’m immediately calmed, enlivened and restored. I feel hopeful in spite of all the social and environmental devastation swirling in our world.

Life Cycle Living is a profoundly simple yet effective way to move through life so that, as we grow, we benefit from the awareness of who we are becoming and create fruitful actions and outcomes. This recognition increases the likelihood that, as we begin to understand different life stages, we will awaken to the challenges and opportunities of each, move through blocks or limiting patterns, and embrace our place in the natural pattern of a human life, within community, bringing benefit to ourselves and our families.

Human lives are meant to be intimately woven together, just like the lives of the trees, plants, animals and other beings in a rich, fully functioning forest community. Acknowledging these bonds, we are inspired to take to heart our responsibility for maintaining the web of cultural connectivity that sustains us.

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It’s time to apply for Young Women’s Initiation 2021

The application deadline for the 2020 Sacred Emergence is February 15.

Although the Sacred Emergence Women’s Initiation Council accepts applications year round, to be considered for the 2020 initiation, we must receive your application by February 15th. If we receive your application after this date, we will put you on the list for consideration in 2021.

IMPORTANT: If you are a young woman close to the cutoff age of 25 and want to apply for initiation, you must meet this deadline. If we have not received your application by February 15, you will have missed your opportunity.

To learn more about your eligibility, cutoff and ritual dates, and to apply please visit the event page or contact the Initiation Council.

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You’re Not In This Alone: Come to Our Women’s and Men’s Gatherings!

Amidst all of the hustle and bustle and busy-ness of your life, are you feeling alone? Is your heart and spirit longing for a deeper purpose, a more rewarding connection with others?

Around the world and throughout the ages, women have gathered with women, and men have gathered with men over shared activities or a big job well-done…when there is a need to be listened to, acknowledged, encouraged…when there are life events to be celebrated…when big changes are happening in the world, and fresh perspective is needed.

Sacred Fire provides multi-day opportunities for women and men to gather in beautiful locations, led by respected tradition-holders with important wisdom to impart. We invite you to attend Ukalái (Annual Gathering of Women) and Ukilái (Annual Gathering of Men).

Even if you’ve attended these gatherings before, consider gifting yourself or your partner this experience regularly; indeed, annually. Then, return renewed and inspired to tackle the day-to-day challenges that life presents to you.

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Taking Time to Grow Ourselves

There is such richness when we are witnessed and supported by community, as we learn and grow into what it is to be human, through the various stages of life. Sometimes community comes in the form of a pop-up “village,” during a profound time spent together over several days.

Gift yourself with one of the following opportunities to take some time “out of time” to remember and rediscover something essential about yourself. See the Sparks (events) section below for a list of upcoming Men’s and Women’s annual gatherings.

Sacred Emergence, which supports initiation into adulthood for young women, will take place July 26-August 2. Applications are due by February 15, 2020.

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Sparks: Coming Soon

Around the Fire

Around the Fire is the newsletter of Sacred Fire and is published monthly.

If you’re new to Sacred Fire, here are three ways to learn more:

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  2. Visit our web site.
  3. Subscribe to Around the Fire and discover more about our deep community.
  4. Follow us on social media (see footer of page)

Around the Fire is published by the Sacred Fire Outreach team:

Sharon Brown

Strategic Direction
Karen Fernandez
Lawrence Messerman
Sharon Brown

Editorial Team
Erin Everett
Christine Staub
Linda Azar

Web Publishing
Sally Casper
Britt Espinosa

Graphic Design
Leticia Gamboa
Sylvia Law

Social Media
Erin Everett
Abigail Murray-Nikkel

Database Administrator
Linda Felch

Event Support
Heidi Griswold

Web Design and Development
Malowany Creative
Living Magic LLP

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