Conflict: the Road to Deeper Understanding
A LifeWays Online Event for Couples in their 20s–40s
October 14, 2020
Relationship provides life’s greatest joys and challenges.
Consciously, we engage for the joy. Unconsciously, for the challenge.
There are common dynamics involved in pair coupling, from the first glance to the honeymoon to the dog house, setting the stage for our personal development and fulfillment. This presentation and discussion approaches these dynamics through the lens of early adulthood with a focus on couples in their 20s, 30s and 40s.
In intimate relationships we learn to resolve not just practical conflict but the accompanying emotional disturbance through working with our partners. We invite you to join Jen and Brian Collins as they share how they’ve learned, in their marriage, to work with conflict as a way to create deeper understanding and renewed intimacy.
During this exchange there will be discussion of:
- masculine and feminine archetypes as they influence our perspectives
- compassion as a requirement to support emotional vulnerability
- openness in listening to achieve understanding
- empathy as it fosters intimacy
- personal growth facilitated by relational growth
- passion through common purpose
Disclaimer: This is not a facilitated couple’s therapy session. This is a window into one couple’s personal journey with conflict and conflict resolution. There will be time for discussion and Q&A at the end of the presentation.
This online event is being offered at no charge as a gift to the community.
To register email lifeways@nullsacredfire.org
October 14th, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm EDT
For more information
For more information, contact Jen Collins at lifeways@nullsacredfire.orgJen and Brian Collins