Thank you so much for participating in a review of the new messaging for the Sacred Fire Community. We feel we have something important and valuable to offer the world at this time, and have worked hard over the last year to recraft our messaging in a way that it will better connect with more people in our world—the friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, community members, and fellow citizens we interact with every day.

We look forward to hearing your reactions and feedback!

Please follow these guidelines in participating in the review:

1) Find 20-30 minutes of uninterrupted time where you can read and focus on this exercise.

2) Read the Core Messaging introduction and presentation from start to finish.

2018 Sacred Fire Core Messaging (PDF)


3) Complete this questionnaire based on what you have read. At the end of the PDF, you will find a link to complete our online survey, where we look forward to hearing your feedback.

Core Messaging Questionnaire


Thank you!

Bill Sutton
Director of Outreach
Sacred Fire Community