You’re Not In This Alone: Come to Our Women’s and Men’s Gatherings!
Amidst all of the hustle and bustle and busy-ness of your life, are you feeling alone? Is your heart and spirit longing for a deeper purpose, a more rewarding connection with others?
Around the world and throughout the ages, women have gathered with women, and men have gathered with men over shared activities or a big job well-done…when there is a need to be listened to, acknowledged, encouraged…when there are life events to be celebrated…when big changes are happening in the world, and fresh perspective is needed.
Sacred Fire provides multi-day opportunities for women and men to gather in beautiful locations, led by respected tradition-holders with important wisdom to impart. We invite you to attend Ukalái (Annual Gathering of Women) and Ukilái (Annual Gathering of Men).
Even if you’ve attended these gatherings before, consider gifting yourself or your partner this experience regularly; indeed, annually. Then, return renewed and inspired to tackle the day-to-day challenges that life presents to you.
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