Deanna Jenné draws on the wisdom of the natural world to facilitate healing for people and communities. With a deep interest in the feminine principal, she’s studied the historical, cultural and innate roles of both the feminine and masculine. She leads the ritual staff in guiding young women through a spiritual doorway to discover a lifetime path to their rightful place in the world. Her leadership roles have been earned through years of managing and facilitating community programs, ceremonies and rituals that include life transition rites such as baptism, initiation, marriage and funerary rites.
Following a spiritual calling, Deanna was initiated as a traditional healer in both Nahua and Huichol traditions of Mexico. Her healing practice for more than 30 years has specifically addressed women’s natural cycles, trauma and soul loss. Deanna brings a level of openness, wisdom, knowledge and ability to listen deeply to the Divine and to her people. She holds elder council roles for her Medicine Path Group and the Women’s Initiation Council to maintain the integrity of the medicine traditions and to instill a sense of the mystery, trust and courage for these paths.
As an initiated Firekeeper for Sacred Fire and her local Western Colorado community, she has a long-standing commitment along side her husband and community to build a demonstration village and a way of life living in gratitude and ritual, honoring all of God’s creation in accordance with the natural cycles of the world.