Event Type: Firekeeping

Timeless Soul Chemistry

As Director of Firekeeping for the international Sacred Fire organization, I support Firekeepers from all around the world. These dedicated women and men hold a special space for people to gather around fire. What I have observed, time and time again, is that there is something profound and yet simple that happens in this setting.

The stories begin. We share. We listen deeply to each other—not to fix or take away someone else’s problems—but to truly hear and bear witness. We share lessons learned and support each other to discover meaning and purpose in life. This deeply satisfies innate human needs and provides a way of connecting that is often not possible in the hustle and bustle of our modern world. We leave the fire feeling renewed and fortified to meet the challenges of our daily lives.

Gradually, as human connections are deepened and become trusted, the gift of “community” can take root. One could say that “community” contains a chemistry that has been part of our soul from the beginning of time: it is a manifestation of Fire itself!

Fire has another unique property: it can spread. Sacred Fires are available as a dependable place to find solace, balance and renewal. If you feel called to attend, and perhaps one day to offer, this supportive healing space, please do contact me at firekeeping@nullsacredfire.org.

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Tending the Garden of Community

As a Sacred Fire Firekeeper, I see myself and fellow Firekeepers planting seeds for the future, at a time when that future does not seem particularly promising.

Humanity as a whole is destroying the planet and there’s a place inside each of us that knows this. In the face of this current reality, the incredible power and healing energy of the Spirit of Fire, which we affectionately call Grandfather Fire, comes as an amazing antidote to the disconnection and challenges of modern life. There is mystery and magic when people gather around Fire: inside of us, something that we may have forgotten or discounted can germinate. I’ve seen and felt in my guts how Fire deeply touches those gathered, how people light up and go home afterwards with a smile, with their hearts full of gratitude and more open to the challenges they’re facing.

The isolation and lack of meaning in the life of so many has deep roots, going back many generations, and it takes patience and commitment to tend to the loneliness and lostness that people are feeling. It may take generations to turn things around. As Firekeepers we are like gardeners, tending communities in our local settings, offering a space around Fire each month, each moon, each cycle. It is a great privilege to be called to this work. Now with 70 Firekeepers in 10 countries, I can feel the fruits of our labors casting fresh, welcome seeds of renewal and connection far and wide.

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Fires Are Spreading: Welcome to New Firekeepers

In early December 2019, seven dedicated women and men were initiated as Sacred Fire Firekeepers. This was the culmination of a long period of preparation and training–for some over a year and a half–and marked a lifetime commitment to their work and service on behalf of community.

Our new Firekeepers represent a diverse worldwide group! We now have sacred fires burning in Edinburg, Scotland and Corfu, Greece, tended by new Firekeepers Sylvia Law and Vivian Menjiver, respectively. There are two new Firekeepers in Australia (Sofia in Perth, Western Australia, and Liz O’Leary in Melbourne, Victoria). Tibrata Gillies now tends the hearth in Ontario, Canada. In the United States, Chris Griffin and Faye Townsend will hold Sacred Fires in New Hampshire and Florence, South Carolina.

These seven join a family of Firekeepers in ten countries, on four continents. Each provide a safe, reliable space for people to re-discover what has been forgotten, to connect with each other and to be renewed.

Welcome Chris, Faye, Liz, Sofia, Sylvia, Tibrata, and Vivian!

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Part 5: Firekeepers, I Love You for being good role models, being committed, and for seeing the big picture

Firekeepers, I Love You: Part 5

Sacred Fire Firekeepers, you are unique individuals who have some very special qualities that help you to do what you do. You open your homes and hearts to people just like the readers of our posts—people who live in communities in seven countries (and growing)—to come and be human beings together around the fire, just as we humans have always done. Thousands of people each year come to your Sacred Fires for community, connection, healing and growth.

In this final podcast in her series, fire-goer Erin Everett shares three more qualities that Sacred Fire Firekeepers possess and model for her and for their communities.

If you happen to be reading this and listening to our podcasts, feel free to tell your story of what fire or Firekeepers have done for you in the comments of this post.

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Part 4: Firekeepers, I Love You for your mistakes, your sacrifice, and your learning

Firekeepers, I Love You: Part 4

Who do you know who is good at making mistakes? Do you know people who put their community before themselves or value life-long learning? In her fourth podcast, Erin Everett, who attends Sacred Fire community fires, shares her experience of these qualities in the Firekeepers she knows.

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Sparks: Coming Soon

Around the Fire

Around the Fire is the newsletter of Sacred Fire and is published monthly.

If you’re new to Sacred Fire, here are three ways to learn more:

  1. Find a local Fire and experience it first hand.
  2. Visit our web site.
  3. Subscribe to Around the Fire and discover more about our deep community.
  4. Follow us on social media (see footer of page)

Around the Fire is published by the Sacred Fire Outreach team:

Sharon Brown

Strategic Direction
Karen Fernandez
Lawrence Messerman
Sharon Brown

Editorial Team
Erin Everett
Christine Staub
Linda Azar

Web Publishing
Sally Casper
Britt Espinosa

Graphic Design
Leticia Gamboa
Sylvia Law

Social Media
Erin Everett
Abigail Murray-Nikkel

Database Administrator
Linda Felch

Event Support
Heidi Griswold

Web Design and Development
Malowany Creative
Living Magic LLP

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