How do we deepen our connection to the living world?
As human beings, many of us realize an innate longing to awaken to our relationship with nature, sacred places, the weather, the animals, trees and plants, the singing and dancing world around us. But where do we begin? And after we begin, how do we continue the conversation and continue to build our friendship with the world for the benefit of all?
In honoring the natural stages and transitions of life in our Lifeways programs, we affirm our deep connection to the cycles of life. Most traditional cultures had, and some still have, numerous major ceremonial events throughout the year that connected them to these cycles. For example, the Huichol people celebrate 16 major ritual occasions yearly, and the Cherokee honored seven related to the planting, growth and harvesting of corn.
Traditionally, as humans, our yearly cycle was filled with preparing for and celebrating ritual and then returning home to begin preparing for the next. These cycles were a crucial part of the lifeways of the people: they helped the communities stay connected throughout the year to all of life, to Divine, to the living world. READ MORE.
Trust. Everyone wants it.
We talk about trust as an essential quality of good relationships but do we know exactly what it is, how to produce it, and how to rebuild it when it breaks?
We often meet people, feel a good connection with them, bestow all of our trust upon them, and after the inevitable failures of life, watch as it begins to fade away. There’s a better way. Join us for the Getting Ready for Deep Relationship: The Trust Factor November series of webinars and learn about the three critical components of trust and how to begin and maintain relationships with more confidence in others and peace of mind.
The webinar will take place on three consecutive Sundays (one hour each day at 2 pm Eastern (noon Pacific/1 pm Mountain/2 pm Central/8 pm UT): November 4, 11 and 18. Cost: $50 for the series. Register now.
For those of you who are initiation age (16 to 25), it provides the opening of your inner spiritual life and the releasing of the potentials and possibilities each person is given at birth. The time is now open for girls and young women, ages 16-25, to make your application for your initiation process.You are welcome to inquire about initiation by contacting Jessica de la O. We are happy to answer your questions and provide you with the guidelines needed to begin the initiatory process. READ MORE.
Read more about Sacred Emergence, the Sacred Fire Community’s initiation for girls.
By Mai Duong
As a Firekeeper in training, I had the gift of hosting Grandfather in Toronto, two years in a row.
Last year, Grandfather suggested that this year’s event be longer, with some fun stuff, such as having an ancestral component, roaring drums and a native elder.
We had all year to plan it, and we didn’t. I had been coordinating the Plant Spirit Medicine conference for July, and the community members involved had been busy and scattered in various events. The communication lines were frayed all around. I was very concerned with the small number of pre-registrations for this year’s event, and wondered if we would be able to cover our expenses. READ MORE.
Have a story about fire or deep community that needs to be told? Send it to us! We’ll prep it for publication and post it here.
“I believe that everyone has the capacity to receive communications from all the living beings who make up our natural world. It is a capacity we can develop by learning to listen and by fostering a respect for the sacredness of all life.”
—Melissa Clare in Introduction
Growing up in England, Melissa Clare first learned of listening to nature spirits from The Findhorn Garden Book, and not long after, she met the authors and attended a workshop with Dorothy MacLean. Later, another workshop opportunity with guided visualization led her to meet her first animal guide, a whale! READ MORE.
Dear Human Cousins,
River Dolphins are we
moving with the
waters’ currents for
thousands and
thousands of years . . .
Our voice
is but a whisper
in your awareness,
a shimmer of sunlight
as we move quietly
Are you feeling the call to be our new HotNews e-newsletter editor? If so, this letter is for you. Please contact SkyFox, our FireWork manager, to come on board or find out more about this role.
Dear Knight in Shining Armor or Princess of Power,
Offering sacredness, fire and community to our people is no small task. That’s why we’re so glad you heeded the stirrings in your heart that are pulling you to help us. I appreciate your patience, your resourcefulness, your innovation, and your team spirit. READ MORE.
If you would like to help in this exciting and vital work, please contact SkyFox our Firework Mangager.
Discover other positions open in the Sacred Fire Community.
PULSE: “Does this community support families?”
I have been part of this community since 2003.
I experience moments of sweetness and connection at our local hamlet fires and potlucks. I am nourished by the beauty of abundance during our local harvest celebrations. I feel one-on-one connection with others in a real and profound way at community events. Yet, I do not feel connected to the whole, to the big picture of this group. READ MORE.