Will you be the Sacred Fire Community Webmaster?

Do you have experience in WordPress website maintenance and management? Are you responsible and available? Our Webmaster will ensure that the Sacred Fire Community’s website and electronic communications systems remain online and stably functioning.


  • Monitor website to ensure our online presence is not interrupted
  • Respond to error reports by assessing the validity, determining the cause, and then resolve either by oneself or by contacting and working with our developers
  • Administer WordPress and email accounts by creating accounts for new users and deleting accounts for SFC team members who have stepped down
  • Assist with content publishing by making sure that new pages are posted to the proper location
  • Keep WordPress and installed plugins up to date and ensure that updates do not break the website
  • Assist with ongoing website improvement through the installation of new features created either by our internal development team or third party creators.
  • Manage accounts with hosting provider, mailing list service provider, and e-commerce providers to ensure that our services are right-sized for our needs and are being billed properly
  • Work with departmental content subscribers and web production coordinator to provide  guidance and technical support.

Required Skills:

  • WordPress website administration experience
  • Website management through cPanel consoles (we are hosted at Dreamhost, who uses a skinned cPanel system to manage our website)
  • MySQL database management through phpMyAdmin
  • Working knowledge of HTML and PHP is preferred in the case that an error needs to be investigated

Interested? Contact SkyFox in our FireWork department.

This is a volunteer position.

More positions open.