We all long for relationships of love, trust, and shared vision.
But few of us have ever learned how to be in relationships where we…
• generously listen and honor the perspective of others
• accept our own frailties and those of others
• communicate honestly and productively about our feelings
• engage in conflict as a sacred doorway
• have the courage to try and to fail
Join Karen Aberle and Cristian Valenzuela for the Sacred Fire Community’s upcoming Lifeways webinar series: Introduction to our program “Getting Ready for Deep Relationship,” a three-part webinar for $50. Dates/times: At 2pm Eastern time on Sundays, November. 4th and Nov. 11th. and Nov 18th. Stay tuned for more info or get in touch.
Read more about Getting Ready for Deep Relationships.
Hear our latest webinar: Eliot Cowan on the Importance of Taking the Stand. What’s the Stand? Check it out.
Stay tuned for many more webinars to come. Have you got a webinar topic to suggest to us? Reply to this post or get in touch.
Hi, Can you let me know where (which city) it is being broadcast from so I can work out the time difference? I’m afraid very few international time converters here know what Eastern time is. And I don’t want to convert to GMT and then back to Aus time. I’m not very good at it.
Also, just in case it is 3am here which it could be will it be available afterwards to listen to so I could access it that way?
It’s broadcast from New York. It’s a workshop type format so would not work well as a recording. If the timing is just all wrong for you, perhaps if you could get enough people together we could do one just to suit your time zone.