Have you worked with a team of people really invested in your path, your growth, your success?
Working with the Sacred Fire Community is an experience that can be life-changing. If any of these positions calls to your heart, make the leap and help spread fire in the world as you warm up the fire within yourself. Interested in any of these positions? Contact SkyFox.
Events Manager
Do you enjoy being in the middle of the action, building teams and making community gatherings happen? Well, then, we have the job for you! The Events Manager is the key player that assures our community has events such as Grandfather Fires, Reunions, Ignite Your Heart and others. If the possibility of filling this key position brings a smile to your face, please contact SkyFox.
The Sacred Fire Community Marketplace has been an important fuel supplier for the community. It provides little bits of connection to what we’re about, besides bringing in much-needed funds. We have always tried to offer items that provide insight, utility, gratitude and fun. Filling the positions below will help bring the Marketplace to the next level. Please consider pitching in! Contact SkyFox for more information or to volunteer.
Marketplace Events Coordinator
As a child, did you enjoy setting up lemonade stands? Have you always wanted to run a store without the ongoing responsibilities of the real thing? In collaboration with the Marketplace Coordinator, the Events Coordinator gets to set up a mini-store for the Sacred Fire Community at various community events, staff it, stock it and track its sales.
Marketplace Online Promoter
Do you love telling everyone about the latest and greatest new things in the world? Do you enjoy writing about these things? Then, we need you to be our Marketplace Online Promoter! Working closely with the Marketplace Coordinator, Speaking Department and Website Manager, you will select and post monthly items in the Sacred Fire Community HotNews newsletter.
Communications Department
How do we spread fire in the world? It happens through our connections, our relationships with each other, through communicating. We need your help to craft our messaging, build and promote our website and social media, edit our newsletter and delve into what’s igniting hearts and what’s not. Does this possibility ignite your own heart? The following positions are currently open. Please contact SkyFox (email link) for further information, or to volunteer.
Graphic Designer:
Work with the Speaking Department to craft bold and beautiful designs to spread fire throughout the world. Background in the Adobe Suite preferred. 7-15 hours/month.
WordPress Editor:
Are you detailed and a good copyeditor? Do you enjoy working with a team and do you look forward to seeing the big picture of the Sacred Fire Community? Learn to use the popular web content management system WordPress to set up posts, edit content, and add links and bios. This role will also be asked to help with search engine optimization for posts. 5-10 hours/month.
Children’s Editor:
Do you love kids and enjoy engaging with them? Does it sound like fun to write articles for and about them? Our new children’s editor will spend 3-6 hours per month working with the Speaking department, the Firekeeping department and Lifeways to come up with content for our upcoming children’s corner area and post it by deadline. Creativity abounds and the sky’s the limit! 2-5 hours/month.
Speaking Statistics Researcher:
Use Google Analytics and other marketing stats tools to evaluate the speaking of our community and the promotion of our events and programs. What’s working? What isn’t? You’re the one with your finger on the pulse of the numbers and data that will let us know. 5-10 hours/month.
Production Coordinator:
Are you proficient in the use of Adobe Creative Suite? Are you good at keeping track of details and multiple projects? Are you accurate when you’re updating items on the computer? Our Production Coordinator for Print will be responsible for the supply of artwork and graphic resources in support of the Speaking and Communications Departments. The role will involve working with existing designs to make minor edits, providing artwork in appropriate formats for print and email distribution and maintaining file archives. Training and guidance will be given where necessary based on experience and the role is a gateway to more creative involvement in Sacred Fire Community Speaking. 5-10 hours/month.
Photo Editor:
Do you love photography, and spend your spare time on Flickr or Pinterest? Choose bright, bold and gorgeous images for our fliers, brochures, and web pages to create a consistent look and feel that means Sacred Fire. 5-10 hours/month
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