By Susan Skinner
The leadership bodies of the three Sacred Fire organizations (Sacred Fire Community, Sacred Fire Foundation and the Blue Deer Center) recently attended a Leadership Training together in Tepotzlán, Mexico. The facilitators were Thomas Jaggers and Collette Ruoff, and they were excellent at their work.
Over three days, they helped us see ourselves with a critical eye. We saw where each organization currently stood, and we focused on the complexities and challenges facing all of us. Much of this was similar for each organization. From there, they skillfully helped us to give voice to our visions and missions, helped us begin outlining our objectives and assisted in clarifying our form and structures. We had to face our problems in order to move towards process and resolutions.
Each day began with making offerings to the Fire. Grandfather Fire being there at all times to move and support our efforts brought depth and purpose to our days together. For the Sacred Fire Community organization, we felt the presence not just of each other but of all of the people who we represent who weren’t there.
We recognized that leadership is more than roles, responsibilities, and accountability. It is about capacity and supporting each other with inspiration and direction, being clear about our commitments, and having honesty and joy in our heartfelt actions. The beauty of the training was in being shown our personal leadership and opening ourselves to assisting each other in discovering each person’s potential while also cultivating our own.
We were set on fire with an exceptional opportunity present in our community. Grandfather has spoken in a unique way to show us his wisdom which is alive inside of each of us. Fire rituals and the offerings produce medicine that changes lives. It is up to us (with his backing!) to help change the way people view the world and dispel the cold. There are other pathways, but this is what we have to offer at this special point in time. We returned home with great enthusiasm and revitalized energy for our work in the world.
[Editor’s Note: There have been some big changes in our leadership structure…but that’s a story for the March issue of HotNews. Stay tuned!]
Susan Skinner has been one of the leaders of the Sacred Fire Community organization since 2003. Read about our Executive Committee.
Interested in working with the Sacred Fire Community organization? Contact SkyFox, our FireWork manager.