This speech was given by Andrea, Ana Mariana and Lucia, during the Tuki Fiesta, in Tepoztlan. They are about to be initiated into womanhood.
Ana Mariana:
“Initiations are something you don’t pay for, you earn them. The fact of not having the money is just one more element in the aspect of sacrifice. I feel extremely grateful that it is something I’m lacking of. With humility I tell you this: we are looking for help! There’s three of us, Andrea Thomsen, Lucía Del Rivero and me, Ana Mariana Ortega.”
“The first thing we did was a ‘Give Away’. With the money we gathered we made the first payment and the rest was used to throw a party. But this party went wrong and we ended up in red numbers. We had to come up with new ways of gathering money, such as selling flower crowns and some raffles, and the donations we have received, we made it here.”
Payments upcoming:
“The first one is the one we made last year, the second is for April 8th, and it’s of $1,800 dollars for the three of us, after comes the third payment, on June 24th, for 1,200 dollars for the three of us. We also need to buy our plane tickets…
For now we have a PayPal account; contact us if you’d like more information.”
Ana Mariana:
“If you believe on what we said, if you think it’s worth it to help us achieve this initiation, contribute. Any help is welcomed.
Thanks to all of those who were at the Tuki fiesta, to those who have made donations to us, to those who share their love, enthusiasm, joy and devotion, to make this happen. Really, thank you so much!”
Read about The Sacred Offerings