By Joshua Cowan, Ritaka organizer for 2013
It is time to join together and share our views of the world. It is time to hear each other. It is time to emerge and shine. It is time to gather around the fire. It is time for Ritaka
Ritaka is an annual weekend gathering organized by young adults for young adults (ages 17-30). Young adulthood can be a very mysterious, uncertain and powerful time in our lives. We are trying to find our role within the world while juggling school, finding jobs, starting families and discovering who we are. Ritaka provides the time and space to experience the power of coming together. It is a time for us to deepen our connection to each other as young adults…a time to freely express ourselves and deeply hear each other. It’s a time to tap into that inner spark of our life’s purpose.
We will join together August 23-25 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. This year, we have the great blessing of having tsaurirrikame (fully initiated senior shaman in the Huichol tradition) Eliot Cowan join us to share his teachings.
Feel the urge to join? Check out the Ritaka page for more information about registration.
As young adults, we are still building our financial status, and greatly appreciate donations. Check out the Ritaka webpage for information about donations.
We hope to See you at Ritaka 2013 – August 23-25, 2013 in Chapel Hill, NC.
We’re excited that two Haudenosaunee (Iroquois Six Nations) elders will share their words with us this year: Oren Lyons (Onondaga) and Tom Porter (Mohawk). This is such an honor. Tom brings the gathering an ancestral grounding as BDC resides in the Mohawk homelands.
Participate in teachings, stories and ceremonies with four additional wisdom keepers including Sobonfu Some’ of the Dagara tribe of Burkina Faso, Eda Zavala of the Wari people of Peru, and Eliot Cowan of the Huichol tradition and Plant Spirit Medicine. (Join the AWR mailing list for elder updates and announcements.)
In these crucial times of change, Sacred Fire shows people what’s cooking. Warm, illuminating, provocative–with a force of heat and transformation–we shine a brilliant light on the joys and dangers of life. Find out more…
Come Join Our Team!
These are exciting times to participate in the Sacred Fire Community organization. We are re-dreaming, re-structuring, working to provide as much support as possible to local hamlets. Here is a wonderful opportunity to do all of that!!
Marketplace Events Coordinator
As a child, did you enjoy setting up lemonade stands? Have you always wanted to run a store without the ongoing responsibilities of the real thing? In collaboration with the Sacred Fire Community Marketplace Manager, the Events Coordinator gets to set up, or arrange for the setup of, a mini-store at various community events, staff it, stock it and track its sales. This project provides ongoing income and support for all Sacred Fire Community projects.
If you are interested in this position, or have other ways you would like to offer your skills and talents to the Sacred Fire Community, please contact SkyFox.
Upcoming Events
July 12-19, 2013
July 27, 2013
Grand Valley Hamlet, Mesa CO
August 10, 2013
Pepperell, Massachusetts, Pepperell
Ukalai Women’s Retreat
August 28-September 1, 2013
Portland Hamlet, Portland, Oregon, USA
August 31, 2013
Greensboro NC, Greensboro NC
Alice Springs, NT, Australia
HotNews call for submissions
Submissions are due the first day of every month by 3 pm CST (USA). These submissions should only be 300 words in length. If you happen to have a picture that goes along with the story, please send it along with your submission, too. Send your submissions to me. If you have any questions; please send them to me, as well.
Robin Lockwood