The community forum to me was a deep experience of connecting more with people in a safe space – or at least that intention was proposed by Gary and endorsed by me. The most important things to me that were shared were our emotions and a safe space to listen to each other. What was said cannot be put into an email or words. The experience goes beyond words and has to do with connection, which requires being together physically in the same space and opening to each other with guidance from the Process Work Institute facilitator. I feel a seed was planted and if we continue to get together in a safe space with help, a much deeper and long lasting connection can grow between all of us.
I am so grateful for ALL the people who showed up and opened a door to a rich emotional experience and learning. There was so much COURAGE and love brought forth. So much sadness and anger and compassion. I am really grateful to Gary from the Global Process Institute who is teaching me about some blindness I have.
We need each other to do this work and to continue to grow and learn in a way that can benefit the next generations. I believe the Dalai Lama has said your enemy is your best teacher.
Muchas Gracias, Maria