Event Type: Community Fires

Part 2: Firekeepers, I Love You for Giving Voice to the Voiceless

Firekeepers, I Love You: Part 2

If you spend time around the Sacred Fire, you’ve experienced the specialized work of a trained Firekeeper. In her second Love Letter to Firekeepers, Erin Everett speaks for many of us when she offers appreciation to these dedicated volunteer space-holders who hold fires every month in their 50 communities in 7 countries. They make this sacrifice so that we can gather to share, laugh, and be transformed by the medicine of Fire like human beings have always done.After you listen to Love Letter 2, please take a moment to listen to Erin’s first Love Letter, which is about how much Sacred Fire Firekeepers value relationships.

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Lighting Fires in the Heart

“I once heard a Greek Orthodox Archbishop talk about the fact that people were missing Fire in their hearts. It felt like he was talking to me! In my spiritual healing practice, I started focusing on how to help light that Fire in my clients. Fast forward a few years, and I realized that while I felt good about my life and myself, I wanted to claim more joy. I was studying Plant Spirit Medicine with Eliot Cowan at the time, and he suggested I spend more time sitting by fire. So I put a wood stove in my living room, my husband and I started congregating there and it really made a difference. I felt more alive.

Next, I started attending Sacred Fire Community fires. It felt like a door would open, and those attending would feel a strong connectedness in a safe space. That awakened a desire in me to become a Sacred Fire Firekeeper. It has been a beautiful, affirming journey preparing for my initiation to this lifelong work. My Firekeeper sponsor, Lucy Wells, has traveled to Greece all the way from the United Kingdom to support me. My commitment deepens every time I observe powerful and healing moments at my community fires. What shows up is so often not at all what was planned or what the mind would have wanted…and yet, when the space is held in a good way, with Fire’s help, it turns out to be exactly what was needed.

And then, surely, we all end up with more Fire in our hearts, more joy in our lives.”

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The Path to Firekeeping

Are you looking for great purpose, meaning and transformation in your life, while producing spiritual connection, community and help for others? Would you like to see conflict and polarity in people’s lives changed to heart and dialogue? If so, we invite you to explore stepping into the role of Sacred Fire Firekeeper.

In premodern cultures around the world, people recognized the otherworldly effect of sitting with Fire and its influence to open people in a way not easily understood. Beyond heat and light, the presence of Fire was revered for the way that it could produce emotional, mental and spiritual health for communities and individuals, when facilitated by someone who could see and work with Fire’s special gift. This ability, held by those in the role known as “firekeeper,” was cultivated and passed on through generations to particular people. Firekeepers would then be a common presence at gatherings, council and ceremony. Nowadays, this skill, which has been lost in our society, is being reintroduced with the help of Grandfather Fire, and through his relationship to traditions that are still familiar with this spiritual endowment given for humanity’s benefit.

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Firekeepers, I Love You: Part 1

This Valentine’s Day was the perfect day to express our love for the most important people in our lives. For those of us who spend time around the sacred Fire in lands near and far, our local Firekeeper is often at the top of that list! Where would we be without the supportive nest of community? Somehow our lives are mysteriously enriched and deepened by the dance with other people and the sacred world at our local Sacred Fire community fires, men’s fires and women’s fires. This is only possible because of our Firekeepers: they hold the space so well.

How do they do this monumental task, month after month? How can we possibly thank them enough?

In this podcast, Fire veteran Erin Everett, who has been attending Fires and observing Firekeepers since she was in her 20s, shares the Firekeeper-love in this first of nine “love letters” to the 62 Firekeepers (and growing) who have dedicated their lives, time and learning to holding space for the fears, hopes, grief, love, laughter and transformation of their communities.

To learn more about Sacred Fire’s Firekeepers or to learn how to become a Firekeeper, visit sacredfire.org.

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Yearning for Something More

Growing up in the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio, I can remember a vague sense that things weren’t quite right.

The new housing development we lived in seemed to have only the trappings of nature: ornamental trees and shrubs, and the ubiquitous lawns that required constant mowing, not to mention fertilizer and weed killer. My friends and I would inevitably seek out the sparse patches of wooded areas that still carried a shroud of mystery with their tangle of greenery, and the squirrels, opossums and occasional raccoon and deer.

These were places of discovery and wonder where I felt like a part of something bigger.

I was fortunate to spend most Sundays with my grandfather Charlie, who boarded horses near one of the many parks that ringed our county. I learned to groom ponies and horses, clean their stalls, saddle them, and best of all, ride competently alongside Charlie on the trails that wound their way through the nearby metropolitan park. Sitting proudly on his Tennessee walker, my grandfather—short, stocky, and with his ruddy complexion and jet-black hair oiled back, said very little. I was free to let my mind roam and to take in the beauty of the oak and maple forest that surrounded us, becoming a part of it all.

Eventually those days ended. The horses got sold. My grandfather’s health gradually deteriorated. I moved on to bikes and then to cars. I lost that sense of connection to nature and to a larger and more mysterious world. I got by, but life became a series of sometimes overwhelming challenges.

I began to yearn and wonder about that connection I had somehow lost.

That yearning continued for many years. Then I found my way to a sacred fire held by the ocean, often on the beach under a full moon. Here again I touched the mystery and the wonder! Sharing with others around the fire, I began to feel again the deep bond that connects us to each other and to the amazing world which surrounds us.

Sitting by the fire, I discover my fellowship with others. Together, we find our way home.

If you find yourself yearning for something more, something mysterious, something bigger than any one of us, please, come to a sacred fire and discover what has been forgotten.


Lawrence I. Messerman
Executive Director

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Sparks: Coming Soon

Around the Fire

Around the Fire is the newsletter of Sacred Fire and is published monthly.

If you’re new to Sacred Fire, here are three ways to learn more:

  1. Find a local Fire and experience it first hand.
  2. Visit our web site.
  3. Subscribe to Around the Fire and discover more about our deep community.
  4. Follow us on social media (see footer of page)

Around the Fire is published by the Sacred Fire Outreach team:

Sharon Brown

Strategic Direction
Karen Fernandez
Lawrence Messerman
Sharon Brown

Editorial Team
Erin Everett
Christine Staub
Linda Azar

Web Publishing
Sally Casper
Britt Espinosa

Graphic Design
Leticia Gamboa
Sylvia Law

Social Media
Erin Everett
Abigail Murray-Nikkel

Database Administrator
Linda Felch

Event Support
Heidi Griswold

Web Design and Development
Malowany Creative
Living Magic LLP

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