The ineffectiveness of our current system is becoming clear to everyone, and a powerful movement, a Revolution of Heart — has begun.

Here at the Sacred Fire Community, we are taking a stand for what we feel is deep-down important. We ask you to read this and reflect on it:


We stand for the sacred and interconnected nature of all life. By gathering in community and reestablishing our relationship with the living world, we end the isolation of modern culture and build lives of meaning and purpose.


Does this resonate with you? Could this be what you, too, stand for? If so, we invite you to join in with your declaration by completing the form and clicking Send. This is a simple, powerful act. It creates a field of vibrant, aligned human heart energy. The Divine livingness of the world so long ignored and desecrated by our people will rejoice in that field and will respond by nourishing all of life.

If this declaration makes your heart sing, please also forward it to your friends and loved ones by clicking the buttons below.

Stand with us

We stand for the sacred and interconnected nature of all life.
By gathering in community and reestablishing our relationship with
the living world, we end the isolation of modern culture and build lives of
meaning and purpose.

Enter your details below and click Send
[contact-form-7 id=”3213″ title=”Stand With Us”]