With so many technological tools at our fingertips, we have an unprecedented ability to reach thousands, millions and billions of people. And I guess you could say Sacred Fire is ambitious. We have taken on a really big project—to help the peoples of today’s world rediscover and return to fundamentals of life that are increasingly being forgotten: Our connection to each other and the Divine natural world. An appreciation of and respect for the cycles of life. The magic of gathering around the Sacred Fire to find balance and heal our alienation and stuck places.
Are you looking for something really meaningful to do with your life right now? Would you like to join us? We are assembling a team of passionate, technically skilled people to do really cool, effective things online. We’re currently looking for a system administrator to help with setting up and debugging Linux-based server systems, a PHP/MySQL programmer to help with deep website coding, and a database administrator to help configure and administrate our growing database of contacts and event records. We have a great team of volunteers, and this is fun, exciting, and very important work.
Please contact Bill Sutton to find out more.