Author: Ana Cortés

2020: A Great and Auspicious Adventure

We were relieved to hear that this year is destined to be auspicious as long as we work with the patron of this Tibetan year, the Rat, in a rat-like way. Rat is a very social animal, devoted to community and family, very clever and smart, and can adapt to any situations and obstacles. This means it can deal with great challenges, create prosperity and reap benefit in the face of uncertainty and change. And since Rat is frugal, it requires very little to experience prosperity.

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Year of the Earth Pig

According to the Tibetan Buddhist calendar, each year resonates with one of twelve animals plus one of the five elements, Earth, Fire, Water, Metal and Wood. February 5, 2019 marked the beginning of The Year of the Earth Pig. Grandfather Fire has granted an audience in Tepoztlán, Mexico in honor of the Tibetan New Year every year since 2002. 2019’s audience happened on March 3, during which the lucky crowd heard about the important qualities of the year ahead.

Characteristics associated with Pig were mentioned: pigs are reliable, intelligent, hardworking, with strong energy and determination but without a very strong creative expression. They are willing to take on projects and work on them even if these are somewhat boring. Pig energy includes honesty, optimism and enjoyment of material things that can be held and appreciated.

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El Año del Perro de Tierra: Lealtad, energía nutricia y energía de comunidad

Por Ana Cortés, Fuego Sagrado de Tepoztlán

“Van a disfrutar este año…,” dijo el Abuelo al iniciar sus enseñanzas, y añadió: “…pero necesitan entender la diferencia entre el año del Ave de Fuego y el año del Perro de Tierra.” A medida que el abuelo continuó, quienes lo escuchamos, entendimos que hay una diferencia sumamente fuerte entre ambas energías. Para ayudarnos a comprender esto, el abuelo recurrió a la metáfora de ir navegando por un río que tiene características cambiantes y tener consciencia de que es necesario cambiar también la navegación de manera acorde para mantenernos fluyendo y alineados y con su cauce.

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The Earth Dog Year: For the Good of All

By Ana Cortés, Sacred Fire Tepoztlán (Mexico)

“You are going to enjoy this year,” I heard Grandfather Fire say, “but you need to understand the difference between the year of the Fire Bird and the Earth Dog year.”

As Grandfather continued, those of us gathered for this very special audience learned that the difference in energy between last year and this year would be dramatic.

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Sparks: Coming Soon

Around the Fire

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Around the Fire is published by the Sacred Fire Outreach team:

Sharon Brown

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Karen Fernandez
Lawrence Messerman
Sharon Brown

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